Unger Trigger Grip™ Litter Picker | All Sizes | Pack of 5


Brand Unger

The Unger Trigger Grip™ Litter Picker is one of the most durable litter pickers on the market. While many other litter pickers manufactured in the UK are constructed with a nylon cord through the centre of the shaft (which breaks after excessive use) the Unger Trigger Grip™ Litter Picker has been designed with a strong metal internal bar which will outlast many other Litter Pickers available. 

Fitted as standard with a 360 degree swivel rotating head and a super responsive trigger grip handle the Unger Trigger Grip™ Litter Picker is a superior piece of kit which is worth the investment over cheaper litter pickers. Definitely a brilliant piece of litter picking equipment constructed to the highest standard possible. 

Feature Overview

  • Strong metal internal bar - will not stretch or snap during use like other litter pickers. Give extra durability and more responsive grabbing action. 
  • Trigger Grip™ Handle  - gives a super response action when you pull the trigger, constructed from glass-reinforced plastic to make it super durable. 
  • Rubber Claws - provide outstanding grip on any size or shape of litter, capable of opening up to 13cm wide and gripping items weighing up to 4.5kg. 
  • Rotating Swivel Head - trigger head rotated 360 degrees and it lockable at every 90 degrees meaning you can adjust the head to suit you litter picking needs. 
  • Aluminium Shaft - super strong and rust resistant, making this the ideal investment for organisations that carry out regular litter picking and require the most heavy duty and cost efficient litter picking equipment. 

Available in a wide range of sizes:

Trigger Grip™ Litter Picker NT060 - 63cm / 24"

Trigger Grip™ Litter Picker NT080 - 83cm / 32"

Trigger Grip™ Litter Picker NT090 - 93cm / 36"

Trigger Grip™ Litter Picker NT100 - 102cm / 39"

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